Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry
The journey to reviving your smile begins. We’ll examine your teeth and then walk you through our restorative and cosmetic dentistry options.
Which treatment solutions are best for you ?
3. Composite filling
If a cavity develops, we can remove the decay and use a tooth-colored filling to repair your healthy tooth structure. No more unsightly metal in your smile!
4. Root canal treatment
If decay penetrates your enamel and begins to affect the soft tissue and nerves inside your tooth, we can perform a gentle root canal treatment. The following symptoms may signify a need for a root canal:
• Persistent pain or discomfort in the tooth
• Sensitivity in the tooth to cold or hot foods or beverages
• Tenderness in the gums when eating
5. Sealant
Permanent molars are the teeth most commonly benefited from sealants. Sealants are a plastic coating that protects the chewing surfaces of a tooth from decay. This procedure is quick and easy. Most commonly, children in their early teens are suggested for sealants because the effects will be more beneficial in the long run. However, anyone is a candidate for sealants
6. Space closure
Do you ever think of space closure using filling material? Yes, we can perform it in our clinic, of course after discussing the treatment plan with you
7. Tooth bonding
Many flaws such as chipped, short, or stained teeth can be corrected with our tooth bonding. A custom composite that matches your smile’s color will be bonded to lengthen, strengthen, or enhance the color of your teeth.
8. Night guard
A night guard, also commonly known as mouthguard or mouth piece. If you are suffering of occlusal trauma, bruxism, or had performed a partial or full rehabilitation of your teeth with crowns, this guard is indicated to protect yourself from possible damage due to clenching or grinding your teeth. This procedure would take about 1 – 1,5 hours to be ready, it’s not painful, easy to do and use.
9. Athletic mouthguard
Wearing a mouth guard is an important precaution for athletes of all ages and abilities, helping to protect against chipped or broken teeth, root and bone damage, and tooth loss. Mouth guard also safeguard against serious injuries such as jaw fracture, cerebral hemorrhage, concussion and neck injuries by helping to avoid situations where the lower jaw jams into the upper jaw. By keeping soft tissue in the mouth away from the teeth, mouth guards help prevent cutting and bruising of the lips, tongue and cheeks, especially for athletes who wear orthodontic appliances.
10. Crown
There are many reasons we may recommend a crown for your treatment. Large cavities, a cracked portion of a tooth, or a tooth weakened by a root canal are some of the most common indications for a crown restoration. There are a few different options of crown, such as a full porcelain crown, full zirconia crown, porcelain fused to metal crown. We will discuss these options with you and help you determine which of these options is the most appropriate for your situation. You can be comfortable in knowing that your new tooth will be virtually unnoticeable and will flawlessly complement the rest of your smile.
12. Snap on smile
A night guard, also commonly known as mouthguard or mouth piece. If you are suffering of occlusal trauma, bruxism, or had performed a partial or full rehabilitation of your teeth with crowns, this guard are indicated to protect yourself from possible damage due to clenching or grinding your teeth. This procedure would take about one hour to 1:30 hours to be ready, its non-painful and easy to do and use.