Pain Management
The majority of dental and facial pain is acute and most are likely to be unilateral and located within the mouth, some very specifically relating to a tooth, but sometimes difficult to localize. Pain mostly decrease our daily activities and quality of life. Pain management in oral and maxillofacial area can be simple or complex. It depends on the source and site of the pain, also lifestyle of the patient.
The treatment of pain required a wide variety of skills and techniques such as:
1. Immediately procedure
2. Medication management
3. Physical therapy
4. Psychological therapy
Source list of dental and facial pain:
1. Dental caries
2. Impacted wisdom tooth
3. Cellulitis
4. Oral tumor
5. Oral cancer
6. Abscess tooth
7. Ulcer
8. Dental sensitivity
9. Periodontal disease
10. Premature contact
11. Cracked tooth
12. Dry socket
13. Maxillary sinusitis
14. Salivary stones
15. Temporomandibular disorder (TMDs)
16. Burning mouth syndrome
17. Tongue disease